Nutritionix Support Center

Coach's Guide

Ready to start using the Coach Portal? We’ve got you covered!

Q: How do I onboard my clients? 

A: Once you have become a Coach, send your Coach ID to your clients. You can share your Coach ID with clients from within the Track app by clicking ‘Share ID’ in the top-right corner of the Coach Portal. Using your Coach ID, clients can add you to their accounts according to these quick steps.

Q: As a coach, how do I view my clients' food logs?

A: All of your clients will be listed in the Coach Portal, which you can access from the side menu. 

To view a particular client's food log, click on that client to see a monthly overview of the client's logging progress. 

Q: What details can I see about my clients food logs through the Coach Portal? 

A: You can see monthly overviews as well as detailed daily food logs for each client. 

Additionally, you can click on the calorie bar for any specific day to view the Daily Summary for that day. Coaches are able to see any notes or photos added by clients to individual food entries by clicking on the food of interest.